山龙刺绣od体育app下载的解决方案——激光刺绣 山龙电控将传统刺绣机控制系统和激光控制系统进行完美融合,在保证传统刺绣机功能的基础上,实现刺绣、激光切边、雕孔、镂花、分层切割及喷花等多种工艺的组合,形成丰富的绣品效果,从而大大丰富了刺绣机绣品的种类,提升刺绣机整机的附加值。the company has perfectly integrated the traditional embroidery control system with laser control system. on the premise of reserving the traditional function, the solution can achieves the combination of multiple crafts, such as embroidery, laser cutting, boring, ornamental engraving, layered cutting, and spraying decoration, which can enrich the embroidery products, and promote the additional value of the whole embroidery machine.激光刺绣安装模式laser embroidery installation mode全独立模式:每个控制安装一个;半独立模式:隔头安装;统一模式:每台机器仅安装一个激光头,采用门架式安装。full independent mode: install one laser head on each controller;semi- independent mode: install alternately;unified...